WTT: lvl 85 r1 wrathful glad warlock for rs account! Full vicious with t2!!

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Runescape, 3/29/12.

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  1. Runescape

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    Hey tittle say's it all godly pvp warlock got rank1 s8 wrathful gladiator tittle along with gladiator tittle and arena master full T2 Vicious along with all the t2 weapons and off hands has 3k + achieve, Looking for a runescape account must have Insane amount of wealth and must be a very high level with insane gear if i dont get offered what im looking for i wont be trading my account for an rs account i am the OO as well so any scammers save your selves the time lols.. hit me up on skype or aim skype-deleted aim-deleted
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