WTS/WTT sor and mage on brumhard SOLD SOLD SOLD sor is lv 90 wand full asthal full realm ,light , ice and pos parts and more items mage is lv 79 fulle realm also light ice and pos parts luck neck and some ring's wts its for scrolls or other good items wtt it for other good acc ( knight or ranger ) for more info send me mail grtz driesje {GRACIA} WTS Uniques/Scrolls all sold Thanks guys Bow lv 78 Elite+1 rank Eve/cirypus Bow lv 78 Elite+1 rank Eve/cirypus WTT for shuta with resist in or for scrols on same server. pm me img502.imageshack.us/img502/6378/dfsfds.jpg Add 1 new UPDATE ! img707.imageshack.us/img707/4905/trtgd44.jpg same europe 2 same need shuta ring or scrols thx. WTS Sorc lvl 99 - FULL Equipped Acc [Deribell] Due to the fact of not having much time any more, i want to sell my lvl 99 Sorc Account. The account is very well equipped. I also would say its the best socerer on the server . In 1on1 pvp its easy to win any opponent/char except the godmode knight takes longer to handle. But in help of the good equip and the perfect skill type (in my honest opinion) its still possible to handle even the strongest knight on this server. Honestly I didnt have any problems with any player. In the following some more specific data concerning the account. (if you got any further questions, just send me a PM) Account is sold, thanks for your offers Chantra Items Lens Stones 27700 Lens Stones+ 72000 Compound Potion 110 400+ Extra Large Healing (100%) 13* Protective # 80* Gate of Phantom 9* Doggy Talisman of Awakening 3* 20% Ep 1 Day 1* 30% Ep 10 Days 2* 100% EP 2 Hours Extra Large Quickness 40 Giant 40 3* Serazan lvl 4 (ep *3 - 1h) a lot of other Items . . . (the Items are worth 13000 wc ) = 130$ Equipment 2* Blode Ring (8% Resist) 1* Blode Ring (Slot free) 1* Luke Necklace (Dark Wings 13%) 1* Karkaen Necklace (Slot free) Headband of Menta (Stamina lvl 6) Garb of Zwan Live 10% & Disziplin 8% (Resist lvl6 , Asthal,Skill lvl6) Kilt of Zwan Resist 12% ( Resist lvl 6, Disziplin lvl 6, Asthal) Kilt of Zwan Resist 12% ( Resist lvl 6, Disziplin lvl 6) 5) Skills+1 5* Asthal (lvl92) Soul Slayer Wand (8/0) Skills+1 free Blind Power Wand +11 (8/8) 5* Scion 3* Tornado (lvl55) Other Items 6* Asthal 10* Scion 1000+ Large Recovery Pots (50% Heal) 1000+ Small Recovery Pots (30% Heal) 70+ Reverse Orb a lot of Stones and other Items . . . Gold 300 000 000 (300m) Storage extended on 4 sides The one-time-available skillreset is not used yet Send me your offers via PM ... minimum offer 150 Euro You can send me messages in englisch as well as in german. Possible payment via pay safe or pay pal WTT Pin paysafe 2.40 euro on it