Hi all, just wanted to sell 2 intell kark with infinitys on tullan. I have the scroll on tullan for trade. Im looking for some cc on Gracia server. Not looking for much considering not many ppl play in tullan. Pm me if interested, appropiate MM will be used to ensure safety of trade. Thx. WTS Runescape Acc/Archlord WTS Runescape account level 88 non mem , 93 mem alot of member stuff pm me for more info {GRACIA} WTS 9X Archer wts lvl 9x archer on gracia... full realm full unqiues... pm me offers and pm me for screenshots WTT ijji gunz acc/runescape for archlord acc pm me if you want to trade one then i give you infos of my chars WTS Sylvia/Zian/Urzark