WTS: EU: VERY CHEAP - WTS T9 80 Paladin with heirloom alts and a lot of stuff!

Discussion in 'WoW - EU Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    To start off I am the original owner of this account. Started playing when BC just came out and played until the end of WOTLK. Raided in one of the top guilds of my server, mainly as a holy paladin (have retri gear as well). Also have alts with heirloom gear (I believe about 4-5 heirlooms), which increase your leveling by quite a lot. Also have BS and Mining WOTLK maxed.

    I need the money real bad, so that's the reason why I'm selling it for only 45 euro's. I was actually going to sell it for 90 euro's, but I need the money asap...

    The account is definately worth more than that, so if you're interested - send me a message!

    btw: I can give you all the account details etc. of my battlenet account if you buy it.
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