WTS: EU: Pve Fury warrior 372ilvl & Resto Druid 363

Discussion in 'WoW - EU Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    I decided to sell my wow account since i dont play anymore. Main character is orc fury warrior with 372 ilvl , full riding skills, well known on server, around 2k total ingame money, defender of the shatered world, kingslayer, offspec pvp arms(have some pvp gear), blacksmithing 525, mining 525, first aid 523...
    On same account theres also resto/feral druid, with 363pve ilvl, and fulll vicious feral pvp gear. Has full riding skills, 525 jc and mining.

    Both characters are on hord side on eu realm. Send me privat message if u are interested so i can show u armory link and other information.

    Im first and only owner of the account, have all serial keys and everything that u need,

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