WTS: EU: Gladiator DK and priest

Discussion in 'WoW - EU Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    Hello, i've got 2 85s (dk and disc priest) and a 70 hunter (my tbc alt with t4/brutal gear and conqueror title) as well as low level alts with full heirlooms and some gold.

    The DK is a s5/6 gladiator and has vicious gear with the t2 weapon, ruthless chest and a pretty high cap. BS/JC professions. Got some cool mounts (nothing exceptional apart from the 2 frostwyrms but some nice wolves/raptors)

    The disc priest is recently leveled and in very good gear, full 371 vicious with a good few ruthless. Mining/Engi professions. 280% flying mount.

    Just renewed the account so 25~ days of free game time.

    Both have transfers up and i am the OO of the account

    PM me your skype and i'll add you and we'll have a haggle
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