WTS: EU: Epic mage account +dk +a lot of gold. ( 1 2)

Discussion in 'WoW - EU Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by World of Warcraft, 3/30/12.

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  1. World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft
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    Hey guys,

    I've decided to quit World of Wacraft so in addition I'm selling my account which includes:
    -a level 85 Mage
    -a level 85 Death Knight
    -a level 75 Paladin
    -a level 50 Hunter
    -a level 30 Warlock.

    -this is my armory.CLick it
    -has 367 ilvl PvE gear
    -has 3k resilience in PvP gear
    -has full tier 1(for show,screenshots etc)
    -has 13/13 heroic T11 xp+12/12 normal T11 xp
    -has maxed raiding professions:Enchanting(525)
    -maxed Archeology(525)
    -capped JP(4k) and capped Honor Points(4k)

    Death Knight
    -has 355 ilvl PvE gear
    -has full tier 10.9(the 277 one) for show; screeshots etc.
    -has full tier 8.5 for show; screeshots etc.
    -has full tier 9.5 for show; screeshots etc.
    -has 11/13 normal T11 xp
    -has maxed raiding professions:Blacksmithing(525)

    Paladin,Hunter and lock are full with heirlooms.

    -Dragonslayer(obtained by defeating Heroic:Sinestra)
    -Blackwing's Bane(obtained by defeating Heroic:Nefarian)
    -of the Four Winds(obtained by deafeating Heroic:Al'Akir)
    -the Light of Dawn(obtained by defeating Heroic:Lick King -25-man)
    -Bane of the Fallen King(obtained by defeating Heroic:Lick King -10-man)
    -Defender of a Shattered World(obtained by deafeating all last bosses from Cataclysm heroic dungeons and last bosses from first Cataclysm raids:Nefarian,Cho'gall,Al'akir)
    -Herald of the Titans(No longer obtainable-obtained by defeating 10-man version of Algalon while no one from raid party having an item with ilvl bigger then those who drop in 10-man hard-modes encounters from Ulduar)
    -Conqueror of Ulduar(No longer obtainable-obtained by deafeating all Ulduar 25 bosses while having no player dying)
    -Champion of Ulduar(No longer obtainable- obtained by deafeating all Ulduar 10 bosses while having no player dying)
    -The Immortal(No longer obtainable-obtained by deafeating all Naxxramas 25 bosses while having no player dying)
    -The Undying(No longer obtainable-obtained by deafeating all Naxxramas10 bosses while having no player dying)
    -the Kingslayer(obtained by deafeating Lick King)
    -the Astral Walker(obtained by deafeating the 25-man encounter of Algalon)
    -the Starcaller(obtained by deafeating the 10-man version of Algalon)
    -Twilight Vanquiser(obtained by deafeating the 25-man Sartharion while the others 3 drakes were alive and engaged)
    -of the Nightfall( obtained by deafeating the 25-man Sartharion while the others 3 drakes were alive and engaged)

    Mounts(only special mounts):

    -Raven Lord
    -Red Qiraji Battle Tank
    -Ironbound Proto Drake
    -Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher
    -Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher
    -Swift White Hawkstrider
    -Headless Horseman
    -White Polar Bear
    -Wooly Mamoth
    -Celestial Steed
    -Great Brewfest Kodo
    -Black Drake
    -Dark Pheonix

    -The account also contains around 120k GOLD.
    -The accont had never problems with suspensions/warnings
    -All characters can be trasnfered and all characters can be renamed.
    -I am the original owner of this account.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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