WTS: 55 Elyos Assassin (Viazel) Eternals & PvP

Discussion in 'Aion Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aion Accounts, 9/26/13.

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  1. Aion Accounts

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    Hey All, I don't have time for any MMOs anymore with a Baby on the way. Some extra cash would be nice. It's been a blast and Assassins just got a huge buff in the latest patch. Killing people is a walk in the park. I have a 55 Elyos Assassin with Stormwings Dagger (Eternal) and a bunch of gear. 25m Kinah and probably a lot more than that soon here. There is also a 30 Templar in Full gold Armor and Fused gold Greatswords and a lvl 12 Soceror. You can see current equipment click here. Starting Offer: $300 USD - PM if interested
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