I wounted to by with Paypal : - Gold Ticket - Premium Ticket -Battleground Armor Green of Pilguen (Hunter) - Battelground Armor Green of Calaren (Sorcerer) -Realm Scion (Chaotic : Battelgrround/ Frozen / Poison: Teslon) - Glorious Guardimesh - Intell Pargon - Monture Mitschell (for Hunam or elf, if possible, Orc at least) - Phoenix (everybody can dream ) - Bow / Kataria +1 (stat egal) - Dague and Rapiere all skill +1 Thanks /w with offer WTS Ele lvl 96+ GRACIA ( 1 2 3) Fully equiped ele lvl 98 at 75% 3 sera lvl 4 left so 99 in no time Realm: Ice: / Light: Garb, skirt & boots Poison: Cap, Garb, sleeves [2/2] ashtal & boots Siasien: Garb 2x sb Bibulan: Garb 11 sb add 12 hp add full lvl 6 stones, skirt [3/3] double resist, sleeves + Much realm for other classes Uniques : 1 x Blode 8 res 1 x Shuta 9 res 1 x Intel luke empty 1 x Biglos empty 1 x Shocker empty 1 x Union necklace ashtal 1 x Proof of destroyer ashtal 1 x Proof of monarch empty 1 x spiral ring empty CF Weps included ! 92 chakram all skills +1 If u want screens or more info pm me. Looking for rl money no noobs plz. Starting @ 100 usd Peace. WTB GRIFFIN MOUNT(HUMAN) SERENDE WTB griffin mount human, give me offers, or ask me for an offer, in demand for griff mount. Name on Archlord is DOAGALAXY, or reply to me on here ! Please, and Thankyou. WTT archer lvl 80 [Deribelle] ( 1 2 3) WTT my archer lvl 80 SERVER DOESENT MATTER feel free to offer any class Archer has Ice top robindole tasset (extra 11res) mars armpads lightning cap(ashtal in it ) poison boots unique boots (with ashtal on it) 2 blode rings(one stamina and one with resi stone 6%) shocker neckalce and a inteligent shocker also ( both emtpy ) 2or 3 pendants some lens on it and other wc stuff so guys hit me up with some offers WTS on Tullan....