Wtb Shuta's / Wtb Archer double res [eu3]

Discussion in 'Archlord Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Facebook, 8/4/14.

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    I pay scroll, wcoins. pm / me

    [eu3] Wtb archer lvl 60+ full realms

    Wtb a archer full realms lvl 60+ on Brumhart/ Gaiahon. I pay u in scrolls. pm me.

    Chenoa´s Sell Store (Urzark) ( 1 2 3)

    Want to sell: Sorc Kilt of Menta [0/3] (Assimilate,Halt) for 1 scroll + 50m Bracelet of Menta [0/2] (Power Wand, Geo Shards, Wind Quake) for 1 scroll + 50m Bracelet of Menta [0/2] (Power Staff, Vital Conversion) for 1 scrool + 50m Garb of Zwan [0/3] ( Extra Mana) for 1 scroll + 50m´ Garb of Zwan [0/3] ( Def +11) for 1 scroll + 50m Berserker Gauntlet of Odon [2/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Boots of Odon [0/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Greave of Mongola [2/2] ( Natural Warrior, Panic, Lethal Attack) for 1 scroll + 50m Greave of Odon [1/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Greave of Odon [0/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Swashbuckler Jerman Boots [0/2] (Extra Movement 12%) for 1 scroll + 50m Archer Cap of Balakas [0/1] for 1 scroll and 50m Armpad of Balakas [0/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Trousers of Balakas [0/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Trousers of Balakas [0/2] for 1 scroll + 50m Boots of Robindole [0/2] Extra Block 7% Hunter Armor of Shakram [0/3] Extra HP 12% Knight Gauntlets of Excen [0/2] Att Speed 10% and Cast 1% Mage Bracelet of Pirtus(BG) Kilt of Serreno [2/2] Extra Resi 10% Garb of Serreno [0/3] Max HP 10% Rings/Necs Gaudios Ring[1/1](Stamina) Luke Nec [1/1] with Wings Shocker Nec [0/1] Logo Ring [1/1](Stamina) Pargon Ring WC Awakening Boost Chest 50% I have Scroll for the Trade. SOLD Shuta 8% resi cast ring 5% with 5% Resi or offer me

    WTB Scabbard Xtra resist on Archon

    Hi dudes! As the title say i wanna buy Cf pants for swash extra resist minimum 10%. Please dont bother if u dont have scroll . Server name Archon.

    Selling 71 Archer on Brumhart EU
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