like title say im lookign for lvl 71+ knight,swash or hunter for scrolls just send me screens and priceu wanen start whit accounts have to come whit mail!!! and on brumhart/ gaiahon plz !!! WTS lvl 71 Berserker [Sylvia] full cf armor Hi i want to sell my Zerk lvl 71 Sylvia. this char is made by myself so its a 100% safe character. i will add email too!! the char is full cf armor with double skillblock garb and additional poisen bracer!! rare rings and necks, a bit gold some stones. iam looking for $$$$$$$€€€€€€€$$$$€€€€ [Eu2] WTS Sorc lvl 94 like title says i wanna sell my sorc lvl 94 on servers eu2 = cyr/eve the sorc got few realms some rare necks rings for farm in cf like ring of gaia / proof of destroyer / cast ring 4% / heros pendant and also 1 ohkeros ring with 7% resis realms are: garb of lytillo +13 / 11% sb bonus / lvl 5 res|cast|stam prayer kilt of zwan +13 / 11% res bonus / lvl 5 res|sb prayer garb of calaren +10 lvl 3 prayer armlets of garnier 2 ashtals headband of calaren ashtal boots of calaren lvl 3 prayer also some 0/1 realms for sorc + elite cap 5% cooldown stats +27 much wc items like different toa classes / all kind of pots / much pets from lvl 1 - 6 / 100% lucky charm / sorc suits / lens and many more . . . to bad but no gold but i can provide some prayer and ele stones screenshots i can send via pm if you need more infos ( i had forget to say ofc the acc comes with email that NOT got alt email ) at least i just look for €€€ / $$$ paypal or bank transfer np pscards and uniques ok too but just on Eu2 WTB GOLD TICKET ON SYLVIA If you want sell your gold ticket pm me plz and I offer you I can make good offer for you I pay with Paypal verfified THX [Sylvia] very nice lvl 73 Berserker for 3 scrolls on [Brumhart] ( 1 2)