Hello, I want to buy some items on Urzark server: - Intel okheros - Gold ticket - Good wings no neck - Brilliant blode I pay in wc pm me with offer I have to sell, too: -Intel biglos with angel wings lvl 1 Thanks WTB ITEMS ON URZARK Hey guys i want to buy: - Intel Ohkeros - Good 92 Staff with Scions - Normal Ohkeros Pay in scrools.... WTS 2 BRILIANT BLODE + BIGLOS INFINITY GRACIA SERVER WTS 2 BRILIANT BLODE ........... AND BIGLOS INFINITY BIGLOS INFINITY =) BRI BLODE WITH 7% RESI xD OFFER ME GRACIA SERVER WTS/WTT 2 ACCOUNTS IN TULLAN 80/77 ( 1 2 3 ... Last Page) 1ST ACCOUNT Swashbuckler lvl 80: Armour: -FULL BG REALM, put stones in lvl 3 -CF TOP:with stones lvl 3 EXTRA SB +10% -ARMOUR LVL 35/52 FOR FARM IN F1 -Neclacke: lvl 55 [3/4] strenght stones for farm in f1 and neck lvl 71 strenght stoens for pvp. Weapons: -Crit rapier lvl 78 with 6% and [6/6] 4 atacak stones lvl 3 and 2 atack accuracy lvl 3 -Crit rapier lvl 47 for farm in f1 -Crit Dagger lvl 38 6% with atack stones lvl 3 -Cri Dagger lvl 52 3% -Rapier and Dagger for pve lvl 55 rapier full earth stones lvl 4 and dagger lvl 71 ele atacks +14 and thunder stones lvl 3 Other items: -In this account i have 7 serazans lvl 4 for easy to lvl 85+, all ele stones lvl 4,stones lvl 3(atack/defnse/special)and strenght stoens lvl 4, reinf pots, detrcution stones 4x, silevr nuggets,(for make rings), and more items, and items of wc (lesns stones+, compound pots, eva/large pots, . . .)AND ANY MILLIONS AND I HAVE GOOD BUILD PD: i don't use reset skills 2ND ACCOUNT Ranger lvl 77 SOLD WTT SWASH FOR GOOD CHAR ON DERIBELLE LVL 45+ PM ME!!!!!! FAST FORE MORE INFO OR IMAGES PM ME . EMAIL INCLUDED !! WTB Evengarda