Welp, that a wrap

Discussion in 'King Of Hunters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by dfunlimited, 1/10/18.

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  1. dfunlimited

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    After 8 years of dragonfable, purchasing doom-knight plus many dragon coins, my account has officially been disabled. Now you might think i got caught using a trainer.. nope, that's not even it. I sent an email to artix et. to try and get some love you sorted out with my account, and i mentioned that the account was given to me years back for my birthday.. which it was.. Turns out, that's not part of there rules. and they tossed me in the bushes before i could even see it coming.. yep, the damndest part is, i did this love you to myself. this wasn't supposed to happen.. at all.. so yea. thanks for the awsome trainers etc. im out.

    P.S. Be careful with your accounts, i never thought that this would happen to me, like im sure most of you guys think. but when it happens..... it happens, and its real.
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