Selling  Global  PC  MR 23 WARFRAME ACCOUNT'S STORE | MR 25

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by vp.DeadSilence, 5/8/19.

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  1. vp.DeadSilence

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    HIGH-END MR 25

    Played: over 1200 hours, 202 login days.

    2.5kk credits, 171 plats.

    Completed: 441/502

    Completed all quests.


    Warframes: 36 (22 primed). Weapons: 123 (41 primed). Sentinels: 8+moa. Pets: 7.

    Around 1000 relics (many old).36 types of arcanes. Deluxe skins.

    Many of syandanas, armour sets.

    A lot of maxed mods, resources. 10 colour palettes.

    Mod rating: 56000. 20k endo. 25 prime mods.

    Many of prime parts and sets, which u can sell for plats.


    Opened arbitration (completed all missions).

    Have Smoking body ephemera.

    Nightwave tier: 13.

    Price: 300usd (#)


    TOP MR 24

    Played: over 2.080 hours! 712 login days.

    Almost 8kk credits, 226 plats.

    Completed: 403/502

    Completed all quests.


    Warframes: 38 (22 primed). Weapons: 152 (37 primed). Sentinels: 8+moa. Pets: 5.

    A tons of formas was used in warframes and weapons.

    Around 800 relics (many old). Arcane energize. A lot of cosmetics and skins.

    Many of syandanas, armour sets.


    A lot of useful maxed rivens, primed mods.

    A lot of maxed mods, resources. 11 colour palettes.

    Mod rating: 241.000. 22k endo. 37 prime mods. (7 maxed)


    Opened arbitration (completed all missions).

    Nightwave tier: 22.

    Price: 300usd (#)

    MR 20 (SOLD)

    Played: over 680 hours. 161 login days.

    Warframes: 33. Weapons: 39. Sentinels: 8. Pets: 2.

    Around 800 relics. Many arcanes. Many deluxe skins.

    Tons of good mods and resources.

    3mil+ Credits.

    Price: 70usd.

    MR 21 (SOLD)

    Played: over 720 hours. 550 login days. (have zenistar, azima, zenith)

    Warframes: 35 (22 primed). Weapons: 137. Sentinels: 4. Pets: 5.

    Around 400 relics (many of them are old). 24 arcanes. Deluxe skins.

    Many of syandanas, armours.

    Tons of good mods and resources. 8 colour palettes.

    Mod Rating: 165.000+, 40.000 endo. 25 prime mods. And nice rivens.

    TONS of Ayatan's Sculpture, which you can sold to Maroo For over 210.000 Endo!

    2mil+ credits. A lot of prime parts.

    Price: 120usd (#)

    Accounts never was banned, blocked or anything else.

    Selling with email.

    Write me with offers, or if you have any questions.

    Discord: vp.DeadSilence#9963

    Skype: vp.rod

    Payment method: PayPal (friend and family) | Skrill | WebMoney
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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