Selling  TH11  BH7  150+ XP Level  Android and iOS TH11 old base, level 152 very rare features

Discussion in 'Clash of Clan Accounts | COC Account for Sale' started by SPOPPEReps, 11/20/20.

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  1. SPOPPEReps

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    Hi, this clash of clans accout its a really old one, i've been playing since 2013, there are all christmas trees from 2013 to 2019, the 2014 tombstone, 2015 caulderon and 2016 halloween's pumpkin as well as the 2018 witch's hat. Also all the items from the 5th to the 8th anniversary. Id's say its a 1/3 maxed th11, its rarity comes from obstacles and some throphies which are really rare, there are infact only 51 needed to get the unbreakable achievement, one of the rarest ones to find achieved (very few top 200 players have it). The price is high for these reasons. There are also about 3.6k gems available and some artifacts that i usually don't use. The village has its own supercell account which will be given to you if you buy it i am its original owner and creator, please love this village as much as i did!

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