Selling Starwars Surplus Shop : (Tickets,5*bases,4* 8/15only,Awakening/Remote Service)

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by, 2/10/17.

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    Prices are per item unless stated otherwise,cards marked "new" are restocks/new additions since last update. Minimum order 10$(or close to it,if you're buying a single sk40 f.e.)


    Platinum ss (372) - $0,50
    Platinum (286) - $0,45

    • removed sale of gold tickets


    2,4 million(10 hic) $6 (0 available/out of stock)

    Awakening Service (pm for details/availability) / includes credit service to lvl 60

    5* $6
    4* $3

    Remote Service (pm for details/availability)

    sk1-40 $4
    sk1-50 $6


    Light Side

    1 Aayla Secura $1,5
    2 Admiral Ackbar $1 new
    14 Admiral Ackbar Iat $0,75
    23 Anakin Padawan $0,5
    2 Anakin Rod $1
    2 Anakin Tco $1,5
    4 Ben Kenobi $1,5
    4 Cassian Andor $6
    3 Cc Cody $0,75
    31 Chewbacca(Old) $0,5
    13 Chewbacca Hok $0,5
    2 Chewbacca Ww $0,75
    1 Han Solo(Old) $1,25
    3 Han Solo Hs $4,5
    9 Han Solo Qd $0,5
    2 Han Solo Sfh $0,75
    1 Jyn Erso $10 new
    10 Kit Fisto $0,5
    13 Lando Calrissian $0,5
    8 Leia Organa Ats $1
    4 Leia Organa Princess $4
    14 Leia Organa Sc $0,5
    20 Leia Organa "Sniper" $2
    15 Luke Skywalker(old) $0,5
    5 Luke Hte $1,5
    6 Luminara Unduli $1,25
    6 Mace Windu Mov $1,25 new
    1 Master Yoda Aol $2,5
    1 8/15 Master Yoda Aol sk40 (non awakened) $22 new
    18 Master Yoda Doe $3
    1 Master Yoda Eod $2 new
    1 Master Yoda Gm $2
    2 Master Yoda Rg $0,75
    1 Maz Kanata $4 new
    2 Mon Mothma $8 new
    2 Obi-Wan Loto $0,75
    8 Obi-wan Rg $0,5
    4 Obi-wan Vc $1,5
    8 Padme Amidala Ft $0,5
    2 Padme Amidala Rs $1
    27 Padme Amidala Saw $0,5
    27 Qgj(old) $0,5
    1 4/7 Qgj(old) $2
    29 R2-D2 $0,5
    5 Senator Palpatine $0,5
    1 Shaak Ti $1,25 new
    1 Wedge Antilles $2,5
    7 Wicket W Warrick $3

    Dark Side

    29 Aurra Sing(old) $0,5
    2 Black Krrsantan $2
    7 Boba Fett(Old) $0,5
    5 Boba Fett Dfh $1
    1 Boba Fett Loy $4,5 new
    2 Boba Fett Trh $1,25
    5 Bossk $0,75
    4 Captain Phasma $3
    5 Cc Appo $1,25 new
    21 Cc Cody $0,75
    4 Cc Thire $1
    29 Darth Maul(old) $0,5
    22 Darth Maul Assassin $0,5
    7 Darth Maul Rots $1
    3 Darth Sidious Ra $0,75
    11 Darth Sidious Sd $0,5
    1 4/7 Darth Sidious Sd sk1 $2
    16 Darth Vader(old) $0,5
    2 Darth Vader Gt $1
    3 Darth Vader Moe $0,75
    1 Darth Vader Tpc $1
    5 Dengar $0,5
    1 Dooku(Old) $2 new
    3 Dooku Dark Lord $0,5
    6 Dooku Eor $1,5
    10 Dooku Sl $0,5
    8 Droideka $0,75
    34 Emperor Palpatine $0,5
    5 FN-2199 "Nines" $3
    22 General Grievous(old) $1
    3 General Grievous Ec $0,5
    5 General Grievous Ls $2 new
    1 General Grievous Tae $1
    5 General Kalani $1
    10 Grand Moff Tarkin $0,75
    5 Grand Moff Tarkin Tm $0,75 new
    27 Jabba the Hutt $0,5
    1 Jabba the Hutt Cl $1
    7 Jango Fett Tow $1,25
    9 Magnaguard $1,5
    9 Nute Gunray$0,5
    7 Sebulba $1


    8 R2-D2 May the 4th $0,5
    1 8/15 Darth Vader & Emperor Palpatine 2nd Anniversary $6

    Pilots/Co non skilled(sk1)(ships and ground vehicles)

    2 16/31 Arvel Crynyd $10
    3 16/31 Bb8 $4
    3 16/31 Dak Ralter $4
    5 8/15 Han Solo "Bob" $3
    2 16/31 Han Solo Double Dealer $10
    5 8/15 Garven Dreis $4
    2 16/31 General Cracken $9
    3 16/31 Luke Xwing $5
    4 8/15 4*Plo Koon $3
    1 16/31 Poe Dameron $8
    5 8/15 4*R2d2 $3
    3 8/15 R7-D4 $3
    2 8/15 Ric Olié $2
    5 8/15 Saesee Tiin $4
    1 16/31 Ten Numb $4
    2 16/31 3* Asajj Ventress $4
    1 8/15 3* Asajj Ventress $2
    4 16/31 At-at Pilot $4
    2 8/15 At-at Pilot $2
    1 8/15 At-st Pilot $2
    1 16/31 Aurra Sing $5
    4 8/15 4*Darth Vader $2
    2 16/31 First Order Tie Fighter Pilot $10
    1 16/31 4*General Grievous $4
    1 8/15 4*General Grievous $2
    1 16/31 4*General Veers $8
    2 16/31 4*Jango Fett $6
    2 16/31 OOM Pilot Battle Droid $4
    1 8/15 OOM Pilot Battle Droid $2
    2 16/31 Tie Fighter Pilot $8
    3 8/15 Umbaran Soldier $3
    3 16/31 Chewbacca $10
    8 8/15 Clone Pilot $3
    14 8/15 Clone Trooper:501st Legion $3
    1 8/15 4*Han Solo $2

    Support Cards new

    14 Elite Cloning Facility $2,5 new
    33 Forbidden Love$1 new
    17 Environmental Hazards$2 new
    35 Containment Field $1 new

    4* 8/15sk40*16/31sk50 Support

    *every card listed below will be send at their max stats,@sk40/50 those with skill

    Light Side

    1 16/31 Admiral Statura $8
    4 8/15 Arc-Trooper Fives $4
    1 16/31 Ayla Secura $6
    4 8/15 Barriss Offee $4
    1 16/31 Boss Nass $6
    3 8/15 Boushh[Fearless and Inventive] $4
    4 8/15 C3po $5
    1 8/15 Captain Panaka $2
    1 16/31 Captain Typho $6
    2 16/31 Cc Bacara $9 new
    1 8/15 Cc Bacara $5 new
    1 16/31 Cc Bly $6
    1 16/31 Cc Cody $6
    4 8/15 Cc Gree $4
    2 8/15 Cc Neyo $4
    2 8/15 Cc Wolffe $3
    3 8/15 Chewbacca Mechanic $4
    1 8/15 Cin Drallig $4
    1 8/15 Finn $5 new
    1 16/31 General Rieekan $8
    1 8/15 General Rieekan $5 new
    3 8/15 Hardcase $4
    1 8/15 Jan Dodonna $5 new
    1 8/15 Ki-Adi-Mundi $5 new
    1 16/31 Kit Fisto $6
    1 8/15 Lando Calrissian $4
    4 8/15 Lando Calrissian Palace Guard $4
    1 8/15 Master Yoda $4
    2 8/15 Mon Mothma $4
    1 16/31 Nik Sant $10 new
    2 8/15 Orrimaarko $4
    4 8/15 Padme Amidala Battle of Theed $4
    4 8/15 Plo Koon $4
    5 8/15 R2d2 $5
    6 8/15 R2d2 Mech $3
    3 8/15 Shaak Ti $4
    3 8/15 Tarfful $4
    2 8/15 Tion Medon $4
    2 16/31 Whie Malreaux $6

    Dark Side

    5 8/15 Aurra Sniper $4
    1 16/31 Bala-Tik $6
    1 8/15 Bala-Tik $4
    2 8/15 Bane Malar $4
    1 8/15 Boba Fett $3
    2 8/15 Bx Droid Commando $4
    3 16/31 Captain Phasma $8
    4 16/31 Cc Bacara $8 new
    1 16/31 Cc Bly $6
    1 8/15 Cc Bly $4 new
    1 8/15 Cc Cody $5
    2 8/15 Cc Gree $4
    1 8/15 Cc Neyo $4
    1 16/31 Clone Sergeant Fox $6
    1 8/15 Clone Sergeant Fox $4
    1 16/31 Darth Sidious $6
    6 8/15 Dd 13 $4
    1 16/31 Dengar $12
    1 16/31 Dooku $6
    1 8/15 Dooku $4
    1 8/15 Droideka $4
    2 8/15 Dwarf Spider Droid $4
    1 16/31 Emperor's Royal Guard $9 new
    1 16/31 EV-A4-D $13
    1 16/31 General Grievous $6
    1 8/15 General Grievous $4
    1 16/31 General Tagge $6
    1 8/15 General Tagge $4
    1 8/15 Grand Moff Tarkin $5 new
    1 8/15 Highsinger $8
    2 8/15 Ig86 $4
    2 16/31 Kylo Ren $8
    1 16/31 Magnaguard $8
    1 8/15 Majordomo $4
    2 16/31 Megablaster Heavy Assault Trooper $6
    3 8/15 Moff Jerjerrod $4
    1 16/31 Nute Gunray $6 new
    2 8/15 Orn Free Ta $4
    1 8/15 San Hill $4
    1 16/31 Sandtrooper $6
    1 8/15 Sandtrooper $4
    1 16/31 Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike $6
    1 8/15 Scout Trooper & 74-Z Speeder Bike $4
    1 8/15 Shadow Trooper $3
    1 8/15 Shu Mai $4
    3 8/15 Sim Aloo $5
    1 8/15 Snowtrooper $3
    4 8/15 Supreme Chancellor Palpatine $7
    1 8/15 Tactical Droid $4
    1 16/31 Tasu Leech $6
    1 8/15 Tasu Leech $4
    1 16/31 Vulture Droid Starfighter $6 new
    3 8/15 Zam Wesell $4


    2 8/15 Gasgano $4
    1 8/15 Queen Apailana $8
    1 8/15 Queen Jamillia $8
    2 8/15 Rancor $4
    4 8/15 Senate Guard $4
    5 8/15 Teemto Pagalies $4
    1 16/31 Wicket Warrick $6 new
    7 8/15 Wicket Warrick $4


    2 8/15 Admiral Ackbar sk1 $1,5
    1 16/31 Ahsoka Tano $3
    2 16/31 Arc Trooper Colt sk1 $3
    17 8/15 Bail Organa sk40 $5
    1 8/15 Breha Organa sk1 $1,5
    3 8/15 Captain Tarpals sk1 $1,5
    1 8/15 C3po sk1 $1,5
    1 8/15 C3po Trusted Companion sk1 $1,5
    2 16/31 Dr. Kalonia sk1 $1,5
    2 16/31 Kage Warrior sk1 $3
    2 16/31 Leia Organa sk50 $7
    1 8/15 Mace Windu $5
    9 8/15 Obi-Wan Kenobi(General) $4
    2 8/15 Padmé Amidala(Lake) sk40 $10
    2 8/15 Stass Allie sk40 $4
    2 16/31 Aqua Droid sk1 $3
    1 8/15 Boba Fett Childhood sk1 $1,5
    2 8/15 Darth Sidious $4
    2 8/15 Drk-1 Dark Eye Probe Droid sk1 $1,5
    2 16/31 First Order Flametrooper $3
    7 8/15 First Order Snowtrooper $1,5
    2 16/31 First Order Stormtrooper $3
    7 8/15 General Grievous $4
    2 8/15 Gherant sk1 $1,5
    1 16/31 Lott Dod sk50 $7
    1 8/15 Lott Dod sk40 $4
    12 8/15 Mas Amedda sk40 $5
    1 16/31 Razoo Qin-Fee sk1 $3 new
    2 8/15 Security Soldier $1,5
    1 16/31 Todo 360 sk1 $3
    3 8/15 Viper Probe Droid sk1 $1,5
    5 8/15 2-1b Healer $1,5
    2 8/15 Acklay $1,5
    3 8/15 Dexter Jettster $1,5
    1 8/15 Jabba the Hutt sk1 $1,5
    2 8/15 Lama Su sk40 $4
    1 8/15 Malakili sk1 $1,5
    2 8/15 Nexu $1,5
    1 8/15 Pagetti Rook sk1 $1,5
    5 8/15 Pit Droid $1,5
    2 8/15 Reek $1,5
    2 8/15 Taun We sk40 $4
    4 8/15 Wam Lufba $1,5
    2 8/15 Zephee sk1 $1,5

    contact me through pm or drop a message ,payments through paypal friends&family(charges on my end if applied but only if paid from full paypal balance),online during gmt 9am-1am/et 4am-20pm so expect a faster reply at those hours,trades may take between 10 to 20 minutes after payment is verified

    line id :

    cheers all
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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