Selling Selling T3 server (Castilla) sell off

Discussion in 'Granado Espada Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bey0nd, 12/19/17.

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  1. Bey0nd

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    all racial +7 armonia grimoire
    some +7 abyss grimoire
    all raical +7 abyss rod
    all racial +7 armonia sabre&sword
    all types of santo armors +7
    rosa secreta ring*4
    +8 abyss gaiters abyss sword abyss blunt strata sabre
    +8 santo leather (good mod attached)
    3s grimoire costumes
    armonia full sets also , int(with ewoa) str(hoa) agi(eroa) dex(soa) all +10
    and 40b vis

    armonia full acc set
    40b vis
    armonia full sets also , int(with ewoa) str(hoa) agi(eroa) dex(soa) all +10
    and 40b vis

    armonia full sets also , int(with ewoa) str(hoa) agi(eroa) dex(soa) all +10
    and 40b vis
    armonia full sets also , int(with ewoa) str(hoa) agi(eroa) dex(soa) all +10
    and 40b vis

    armonia full sets also , int(with ewoa) str(hoa) agi(eroa) dex(soa) all +10
    and 40b vis

    level 80 account
    and anything you need

    email: [email protected]
    skype: [email protected]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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