Sold Selling S>Account lvl 99 Assassin

Discussion in 'Ragnarok RE:START Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by leviam, 10/3/17.

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  1. leviam

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    Selling Lvl 99 Assassin ;)

    This account was never used in any 3rd party program. I levelled it up by manual grinding.As some of you might've noticed my assassin is built basely on woe, since ragnarok re:start has the new npc which can reset stat points, I can probably lower down the stats you want me to, that way you can put it on wherever you like Note: I will provide silvervines you need to be able to change the stats as well as neuralizer for skill reset.

    Assassin account has:

    VIP for 6 months
    Halter Lead(permanent)
    Enlarge Weight Limit lvl 10 (from gym pass)


    300$ paypal only
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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