Selling Selling leveling service/farming

Discussion in 'Brave Frontier Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AustinM, 5/19/17.

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  1. AustinM

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    Hello everyone! Welcome to the Grand Opening of my Brave Frontier Service Store! I am currently selling my services for Brave Frontier. Here is a simple list of what I can do for you.

    Farm levels (1-999) (takes time based on amount of experience needed)

    level 1-200 ($30)
    level 200-300 ($30)
    level 300-400($40)
    level 400-500($50)
    level 500-600($60)
    level 600+ (- will negotiate prices beyond this)

    Farm Unit Max Levels/ Evolve Units / Imp

    Special package per account - 30 or less omni potential units to max level with full 100/100 SP and MAX IMPED - $60

    Level a unit from lowest evo to omni and max level package including full 100 SP- $5 per unit
    Level a unit from 1-150 (omni form only) $2
    20 5 star elgifs - $5

    Beat any trial / GGC / GQ / Summoner Arc

    All Trials package $20

    All GGCs package $40

    GQ/ Summoner Arc varries based on needs of customer

    Beat any FG gate as well as obtain key rewards from gate ~

    $2 dollars per FG gate. (Excluding ones that take a lot of time.. endless etc... I can still do it but it will cost more.)

    Injection Services -

    obtain 99 of ea rare material - $20
    obtain Rare Evo materials - $20
    99 of ea potion - $20
    All arena spheres- $20
    All Leader skill spheres for EX skills - $20
    All Honor items - $20
    Zel - 1mil -$5
    karma - 1mil $5
    honor pts max - $5

    VIP package - Pimp my account - 300$
    This limited time service is for those that want a fully pimped out account. Meaning every unit max leveled/imped/SPd as well as a leveling service based on what level you currently are at. Also fully completing all Trials/GGC/GQs

    Now you may say Austin you have a great store but how do I trust you? Easy If you are truly interested in my services you can send me a PM and I will level 1 unit for Free to MAX level and show you that I am legit.

    I only accept payment from paypal. Pm me if you're interested in any of my services.
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