Selling Selling HON account with yummy staffs

Discussion in 'Heroes of Newerth Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hilgamesh, 8/24/17.

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  1. Hilgamesh

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    Hello I'm looking to sell my HoN account, here are some of the features it holds
    -10 taunts
    -16 wards
    -5 pages of account icons (including several custom ones)
    -10 pages of symbols
    -4 name colors
    -Super Taunt, giving you infinite taunts

    Avatars, I've got 370 avatars
    -Gold collection 10 avatars (prophet, shadowblade, nomad, sir benzington, legionaire, artillery, soul reaper, solstice, blacksmith, forasken archer)
    -7 Ultimate avatars (valkyrie. swiftblade, wildsoul, salforis, flint, empath, predator)
    -Every U.R.S.A avatar (included the boosters + perks such as the 2x silver in every game)
    -Every 7sins avatar
    -Every 8bit avatar
    -11 community avatar
    -13 holiday edition avatar (monkey, pyro, devo? silhouette and others)
    -ANd many others

    I spent much money for this acc. And I'll sale it to you just for 200$
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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