Selling  High End Omegamon Server High End with AOX, Beelze X, Chaos X, Miracle acc, etc.

Discussion in 'Digimon Masters Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WhiteCoat20, 1/16/22.

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  1. WhiteCoat20

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    Hello, I'm selling my high end account in Omegamon Server.

    - TAMER SPEC -
    Tamer: Tai, TK, Matt. Lv 120.
    Main Accessories:
    - Qinglo Rad Ear: HT CD SK CD
    - Qinglo Rad Neck: BA AS AT CD
    - Miracle Bracelet Special: CD CD HT AT DE
    - Aural Ring Baihu: AT SK BA BA
    - Digivice of Adventure lv. 1 AT PF
    - Miracle Ring Special (haven't got PF options yet)
    - And support accessories
    - TOP: SCD 10% HP 700
    - Pants: AT 200 DS 1200
    - Shoes: Flippers
    - Gloves: Baihu AT 400
    - Costume: 90D NYS, Green Soccer
    - AS 15, 8
    - Reset Deck
    - Mega Omega

    - AOX 6/6 (139,62%) lv 125, Clone 75 All PF, ROL3 Reg3, Ryuda Line Regen Sup: 4 High Regen + 1 High TOL, Skill lv 20 --> Main Hit Digi
    - Belzeemon X 6/6 (139,17%) lv 120, Clone 75 AT PF, HP PF, ROD High, HOH Sup: 3 High HOH, 1 Mid + 1 High TOL, Skill lv 25 --> Skull Normal Hit!!
    - Chaosdramon X 6/6 (138,30%) lv 120, Clone 75 AT PF, HP PF, ROI High, HOH High, Skill lv 25 --> Good for DG Hard
    - Gallantmon X 6/6 (138,24%) lv 120, Clone AT 7, CT 14
    - Ogudomon 6/6 (137,32%) lv 120, Clone 15 AT PF, 15 CT Random High --> For Monster Card
    - Armagedemon 6/6 (136,20%) lv 120, Clone 10 AT Random, 15 CT Random --> For Chimeramon DG
    - Omegamon Alter-S 6/6 (136,41%) lv 120, Clone AT 15 PF, CT 15 Random, HP 9 PF
    - Omegamon 6/6 (136,15%) lv 100, Clone AT 9 PF, CT 5 PF
    - Susanoomon 6/6 (136,85%) lv 100, Uncloned
    - Fanglongmon 6/6 (137,53%) lv 100
    - Omegamon Black 5/5, lv 71
    - Rare digis: Hackmon 5/5 (Jesmon open), Vdramon 5/5 (Magnamon open), Salamon 5/5 (Ophanimon Falldown mode open), Imperialdramon Joggress 5/5
    - Other 5/5 Digi: Pawnchessmon Black & White, Renamon, Patamon, Candlemon, Hawkmon, Salamon, Betamon, Craniumon, Starmon, Dorugamon, Dokunemon, BanchouLeomon, Worm, Soul, Armadi, Mera, Doggy
    - Other 4/5 Digi: Lucemon, ExVmon, etc

    - SEAL -
    AT 3105
    HT 3040
    HP 1890
    DE 1475
    CT 13.70%
    BL 3.60%
    EV 0.70%

    - PERKS -
    - Guaranteed able to do all dungeons, Colo Hero till R17-19. Solo Colo 40 (good for service).
    - Unlocked all quest including Shinjuku
    - Lots of 4/5 and 5/5 eggs in warehouse, 2 Gehenna, DG ticket

    - PRICE -
    999 USD
    payment via PayPal

    - CONTACT ME -
    Discord: WhiteCoat20#4268
    Email: [email protected]
    Or DM here

    Thank you!!

    AOX Stats.png Belzee X Stats.png Chaosdramon X.png Ogudomon.png Screenshot (203).png Screenshot (205).png Screenshot (210).png
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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