Selling level 208 for sale with 110 mini

Discussion in 'Battlecry Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by olaf the great, 1/24/15.

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  1. olaf the great

    olaf the great
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    level 208 for sale, max units and max outposts, 1150 allies, 21.8 bil income
    250 supplies
    24 ammo
    483 attack
    400 defense
    210 health

    ground 160
    air 120
    navy 93

    all ops completed except on 3rd round of high mountain
    for those who care about stats
    16217 ops completed
    168934 battles won
    89086 battles lost

    level 110 max units half armed on outposts 600 allies 21.2 bil income
    200 supplies
    24 ammo
    232 attack
    342 defense
    200 health

    ground 67
    air 80
    navy 40

    2677 ops completed
    24804 battles won
    6485 battles lost

    pm for questions
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
    ghabryell likes this.
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