[Help] Pa Help po sa Player Struct

Discussion in 'Subnautica Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by r0dspunk, 12/6/17.

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  1. r0dspunk

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    Can any one plase tell if the structs i used are outdated.

    struct cObject
    char _UnkSpace[4];
    D3DXVECTOR3 Body;
    D3DXVECTOR3 Foot;
    D3DXVECTOR3 Head;

    struct UnkStruct
    char _UnkSpace[0x1194C];
    short CurrentGun;
    char _UnkSpace2[3];
    char IsMutant;
    char IsVisible;
    bool IsDead;

    struct Transform
    D3DXVECTOR3 Pos;
    char _UnkSpace[0x100];

    class cPlayerPos
    char _UnkSpace[0xDC];
    D3DXVECTOR3 Pos;

    class cLTPlayerClient
    char _UnkSpace[0x350];
    cPlayerPos* pPlayerPos;
    char _UnkSpace2[8];
    float Pitch;
    float Yaw;
    struct cPlayer
    char _UnkSpace[4];
    cObject* Object;
    char ClientID;
    char Team;
    char Name[12];
    char _UnkSpace2[2];
    UnkStruct *unk;
    int PlayerSlotTeam;
    int unkStruct1;
    bool Has_C4;
    int State;
    int Rank;
    int unkStruct2;
    int unkStruct3;
    short Health;
    short Kills;
    __int32 Deaths;
    __int32 HeadShots;
    __int32 TeamID;
    __int32 Ping;

    if its outdated to update it.. particularly sa cPlayer struct

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