Selling [EAST] S>21k ATT Hurk with other characters and gold

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Afirekin, 5/3/17.

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  1. Afirekin

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    Selling my lvl 90 Hurk with 21k ATT, Gear is +5 Memorable Regina Helm, +8 Armageddon Mail, +8 Armageddon Greaves, +7 Fury Noblesse Gauntles, +6 Echoing Noblesse Boots, +8 Impending Maelstrom Braha Greatsword, Significant Healthy Pirate Earring, Significant Passion Moonlight Sapphire Brooch, x2 Significant Passion Thunder Ring, Passion Werewolf Paw, x2 Copper Bracelet. My attack is 21k because of a buff and temporary item, it's 20.8k without the buff and item. I have all of my items fused to look like other items except for my weapon. My weapon is untradeable. I have 395m gold and Airtight Gold Junior Chieftain on my Hurk. I also have a ton of other nx items that you can use and or sell, and I have a Vampire Slayer costume on my Hurk. I have a lvl 74 Kai on my account aswell with the Prime Wild Rock Costume set, a lvl 77 Lann, and a lvl 63 Vella.
    I want $150 through paypal or best offer. Add me on skype for screenshots, and I won't trade first unless you're trusted on here. My skype is tygeravien
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