Sold Droplets Farming Service FREE - Planet Namek...

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Boosting Farming Services - Buy Sell Trade' started by Taufiq Yulyanto, 2/10/18.

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  1. Taufiq Yulyanto

    Taufiq Yulyanto
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    Droplets Farming Service FREE - Planet Namek Enriched Droplets Farming Boost Service 10$ per hour Drops average: *2 Power hearts: 300-450 *3 Power hearts: 30-50 Droplets : average 50 per run (10 each attribute) I can do 25 - 35 runs per hour, totally 1250 - 1500 droplets (250 - 300 each attribute) PayPal only PM me to reserved your place Thanks
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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