Selling  Asia   Cheap Final Blade [Asia] Accounts

Discussion in 'Final Blade Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PokeMeArds, 2/14/19.

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  1. PokeMeArds

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    Hello. Will also be selling Final Blade (Asia Server) Accounts. Will be updating this asap when I get new 6 star units so whatever isn't here isn't available yet.

    Details about all the accounts:
    Random IGN but changeable using 500 gems (Gems are easy to get in the game)
    Flag used is global flag (way way down below the flag choices, there is a global flag)
    Progression until only 1-5
    Did only 2x 10 pulls.

    Rates: 1 SSR account = 10 USD. Additional SSR add 5 USD.

    You can contact me on Discord: Minerva#5567

    In stock:

    1. Francie
    2. Hilde
    3. Yongju
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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