Sold Buying Buying arcane legends account! (serious buyer!)

Discussion in 'Arcane Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Infera, 7/12/17.

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  1. Infera

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    Important: Before reading further into this i just want to clarify that i will only and yes ONLY go first only if you are trusted in the ******** community. If you're not then sorry I can't go first but what i can do is provide all proof needed that i have the money in my paypal account by screenshots refreshing the page showing transacation history (just so you know it's not inspect elemented) etc.

    Budget: 100$ USD (PayPal IS my ONLY Payment Method!)

    If you have an account your willing to sell please contact my kik and send screenshots of the account my account is only level 18 and i've been playing for about a year and just can't progress anymore. I'm looking for accounts at atleast Level 25+ Thank you for reading my kik is: Rfhungry100
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