Selling  EU West  Platinum  Level 30+  1-24 Hours 40 Ranked and Unranked accounts with Rare names (Riot Games, Challenger...) (32 ACCS EUW 6 EUNE..)

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by gamalosion, 8/21/21.

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  1. gamalosion

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    Selling all of my league accounts since i hate this game at this point, i wanna focus on my life,

    32 Accounts on EUW
    6 On EUNE
    1 On NA

    all accounts are 100% working, most of them have great skins,
    most of them are top lane champions (some are focused on one role, like an account of only support champs, or adc, mid, etc), theres one main account on euw which got around 6 epic skins and is plat with an extremely requested and rare name, and anyway most of the accounts are unranked right now and around maybe 4-5 of them have ranks that are either silver/gold (and one or two even iron :) for the smurfs among us)

    Also, around 60-70% of them have unverified emails, which im sure many will appreciate.

    Anyway, contact me in Discord for more details if you're interested, price range is 120-100$ .
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