Selling Insanely Geared Mage + Raid Geared Warrior: Paypal...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    Insanely Geared Mage + Raid Geared Warrior: Paypal Only. I am the original owner of this account and have played rift for almost 2 years. I no longer have time to play Rift, and I would rather sell this account while it is still awesome, and let someone else have some fun with it, than just simply let it go to waste. The mage on the account is almost BiS, with 7 total relics and 520 hit. The warrior is much less geared, however still geared enough to do well in the current 20 mans(has been through them multiple times). I am only taking serious offers on the account, and I am only accepting paypal as payment. Here is my baby... Here is the Warrior Altogether there is over 2200 plat on the account and over 5000 credits to spend in the rift store. There is also a lvl 53 Cleric, and a lvl 53 Rogue on the account (never finished lvling) and the rogue was used as a crafter. PM me with serious offers and questions
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    Curtis Cecil

    Curtis Cecil
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    is this account still up for grabs?
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    Stephen Kolb

    Stephen Kolb
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    please send email contact info to [email protected] I am really serious on discussing monetary value tyvm
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