Selling ANDRIOD WTS 5* buy all for just 100USD

Discussion in 'Guardian Cross Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 3/2/15.

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  1. Games

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    WTS all these for $$ or trade for DMC
    All max lvl unless otherwise stated.

    Alm Int Meph
    Alm Int LL
    Chao Chariot
    Int Meph
    Chao Behemoth
    Mighty Fast Banshee Witch
    Sexy Baha
    Alm Fast Atlas
    Brave Ettin
    Chao DD FSeMP/Wis
    Alm Int P.baha
    Alm Int Apsara x 2
    Ace Ifrit +RD pair
    Maniacal Cool Jugg
    Ace VM
    RD Ace Titan
    Ace Levi + RD pair
    Alm Int VM
    Int Ettin
    Alm Fast Horsemaiden FSAgi
    Int Baha
    Maniacal Cool Jugg
    Brave Ettin
    Pow Behe
    Mighty Cool Horsemaiden
    Int Ettin
    Alm Cool Raijin

    Pm me offers, thanks
    Or buy the whole account including a bunch of iii and +4 stones for $100USD
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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