Selling zargis is the easyest wb go him and kaplichautur...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Fabian Hussmann, 3/14/13.

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  1. Fabian Hussmann

    Fabian Hussmann
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    zargis is the easyest wb go him and kaplichautur farm guys
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    Stephan van den Hoek

    Stephan van den Hoek
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    well we where with i think 25 ppl on kaphi, all die every time by aoe + mobs
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  3. OP
    Fabian Hussmann

    Fabian Hussmann
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    go in an main team with tank and bugg all dd arount in main team then 3 hrals altho then ya kill him tell dds at frist stage stay upstars and dont pull mobs at all
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