Selling WTT: WTT LoL account for WoW acc :) Alot of skins...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/10/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTT: WTT LoL account for WoW acc :) Alot of skins /champs/elo has too :)Must read x0x0 WTT LoL acc EUW 30 lvl golden rank this season,66 champs, like 23 skins or they are more including unobtainable/legendaris too.Im looking forward for wow acc with at least just even one good char. atentatora_97 if u wanna see i can show u it..Also now it have 1535 rp and 5k ip WTS level 30 NA LoL account 60 champs a few skins lots of runes. Level 30 NA LoL account for sale. 60 Champs with some skins lots of runes. Here is a list of Champs the ones in bold have skins. Also some screens shots of runes Unchained Alistar Amumu Anivia Gothis Annie Frejlord Ashe Blitzcrank Cho’Gath Corki Dark Valkyrie Diana Dr. Mundo Shadow Flame Draven Evelynn Fiddlesticks Fizz Gangplank Garen Heimerdinger Janna Jarvan IV Jax Karthus Kassadin Katarina Kayle Malphite Master Yi Mordekaiser Morgana Nasus Nidalee Nunu Forsaken Olaf Poppy Rammus Riven Ryze Sejuani Shaco Shen Singed Sion Sivir Soraka Taric Teemo Riot Girl Tristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Twitch Varus Veigar Vladimir Warwick Zilean Sticky: League of Legends : Tips on Trading Safely Hi LoL Buyers Sellers Traders Hi Guys Recently there have been Quiet a Few issues with scams in the LoL Forums and i just wanted to give you guys some advice on making sure that you are making a good buy or Sell or Trade As i like this game and i would hate for this forum to become corrupted... All Around Good Practices: 1: ALWAYS POST ON THE THREAD THAT YOU ARE INQUIRING ABOUT IF SELLING GET THEM TO PUT THERE SKYPE NAME ON THE POST! 2: ALWAYS DO A BACKGROUND CHECK - SEARCH THERE NAME UP IN THE TOP LEFT SEARCH BAR AND ON GOOGLE 3: CHECK THERE FEEDBACK - MAKE SURE THAT IT IS LEGIT - SEE IF THEY HAVE DEALT WITH REPED USERS BEFORE As a Buyer: 1: Inquire about the account, YES it my be advertised as having 90 champs and 1000 skins but get screen shots, Share screen with the seller Know what you are getting! 2: You are going to want to know if the...
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