Selling WTT: WTT Dota 2 Gameversions(27,99€) for LoL...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/19/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTT: WTT Dota 2 Gameversions(27,99€) for LoL Accounts , LoL Codes etc. If youre interested add me on : Lasernoob If your bets are high enough im ready to give multiple Dota versions! - - - Updated - - - /push - - - Updated - - - Push WTS: Fresh Level 30 NA Account No ranked games played! Alistar Ashe Blitz Caitlyn Corki Ezreal Malphite Soraka Tristine Twisted Fate Full AD Runes AD Reds x9 Armor Yellow x9 MR Blues x9 AD Quints x3 30.00 WTS: Level 30 NA Account. 3-3 This season, 67 Champs, lots of skins. Honorable opp He has an honorable opp ribbon 15 Friendly, 13 Helpful, 73 Teamwork, 57 Honorable Opp 4 Rune Pages The account has 67 champions, since it's easier, the champions I DON'T have are: Ahri Akali Brand Cassiopeia Corki Draven Elise Fiora Galio Gangplank Gragas Heimerdinger Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Karma Katarina Kennen Lee Sin Lulu Lux Nami Nasus Nidalee Orianna Rammus Renekton Shyvana Sion Sona Swain Syndra Talon Twitch Udyr Urgot Vayne Viktor Vladimir Xerath Zed Skins that I DO have: Unchained Alistar Bioforge Darius Nemesis Jax Full Metal Jayce Glacial Malphite Haunted Maokai Lord Mordekaiser Championship Riven White Mage Veigar Tundra Hunter Warwick Firefang Warwick Wildfire Zyra Riot Girl Tristana Runes (All of these are T3): Marks .95 Physical Damage x9 1.7% Attack Speed x9 .87 Magic Pen x9 Seals 1.4 Armor x9 .76% Attack Speed x9 .41 MP5 x5 .1 AP per level x9 .065 MP5 Per level x4 Glyphs .64% Attack Speed x9 .17 AP per level x9 .05% CDR x9 .15 MR per level x9 Quints 5 AP x3 2.3 Physical Damage x3 1g GP10 x3 26 Health x2 2% Lifesteal x1 38 Mana x1 Please post your AIM and I will contact you. Thanks! WTS 2 LVL 30 accounts! Hello, i got 2 accounts for sale, one for NA and one for EUW NA acc: has 60 champions, 2 runepages, no skins and 1400 top elo, 1350 current elo after 20 games, so still gaining a lot elo ( price, around 30 dollars, i am open for debate ) EU W acc: has only 21 champions with no skins, and 2 rune pages, so i would...
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