Selling WTT: Maplestory AWTS: Account lvl 30 EUW Server 79...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/5/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTT: Maplestory AWTS: Account lvl 30 EUW Server 79 Champions + 40 Skins Hello, I wanna sell my user on EUW Server Lvl 30, 79 Champ 40 Skins. IP:4500 RP:3189 Refunds Credits:3 My : asaf-knafo List of all my champions and skins: Ahri Akali - Stinger Akali, Blood moon Akali Alistar - Matador Alistar (Legacy), Infernal Alistar, Unchained Alistar Amumu Anivia Annie - Frostfire Annie Ashe Blitzcrank Caitlyn - Safari Caitlyn (Legacy) Cassiopeia Cho'Gath Dr. Mundo Evelynn Ezreal - Frosted Ezreal Fiora Fizz Gangplank - Sailor Gangplank Gragas Graves - Riot Graves (Limited) Hecarim Heimerdinger Irelia - Frostblade Irelia Janna - Frost queen Janna Jax - Tempel Jax Kassadin - Deep One Kassadin Katarina Kayle - Judgement Kayle (Limited) Kennen - Karate Kennen Kog'maw LeBlanc Lee Sin - Traditional Lee Sin , Dragon Fist Lee Sin Leona - Iron Solari Leona Lulu Malphite - Obsidian Malphite Malzahar Maokai Master Yi Miss Fortune - Mafia Miss Fortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne - Frozen Terror Nocturne Nunu - Grungy Nunu , Demolisher Nunu Olaf Orianna Pantheon Rammus - Full metal Rammus Renekton - Bloodfury Renekton Riven Rumble Ryze Shen - Warlord Shen Shyvana - Ironscale Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir - PAX Sivir (Pax Event) Skarner - Sandscourge Skarner Sona - Guqin Sona, Arcade Sona Soraka - Divine Soraka Talon Taric Teemo - Super Teemo Tristana - Riot Tristana Trundle - Lil' Slugger Trundle Tryndamere Twisted Fate - Tango Twisted Fate, Musketeer Twisted Fate Udyr Vayne Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir (Legendary) Volibear Warwick - Hyena Warwick Wukong Xerath Yorick Ziggs - Mad Scientist Ziggs Zilean : asaf-knafo WTB: League of Legends LvL 30 Account NA Would like it to have a decent variety of good champs (20+). Skins don't matter, elo doesn't matter, just needs to be level 30. PM or post if you have one like this. WTB: Gold or Platinum Ranked Team If you have an abbandoned ranked team on EUW or EUNE, I need one for the end of the season rewards. So basically...
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