Selling WTS SwampFury + Sunsaya Warrior/ Money Maker Epic...

Discussion in 'Order and Chaos Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/27/13.

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  1. Order & Chaos Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS SwampFury + Sunsaya Warrior/ Money Maker Epic Account! RUSH! This Account was a Money Maker Account and built by my friend to Maximize the 50% off During Christmas. He spent more than or equal to $1,000.00 for all the Essences of God to craft craft and craft reinforced materials. He earned around 50,000 gold. He is about to leave for Military Training so he decided to sell. Buying this account will also mean we will transfer the E-mail of the account into whatever E-mail you desire. Very safe and There's more!! REMAINING POSSIBLE GOLDS TO EARN ON THIS ACCOUNT: 1 Essence of God = 1 Reinforced item which costs cheapest is 500 Golds. if the account still has 170 Essences of God...... 500 Golds x 170 = 85,000 GOLDS!!! PLUS.. The Account still has 35 pieces of Reinforced Weapons and Armors.. Which will round about to........... Ding ding ding!!! 100,000 GOLDS!!!! :O How to Earn : If you sell these Golds via paypal.... let say cheapest $10 per 1,000 gold. Possible Earning is... $1,000.00 USD Best Offer so Far is $650. PM Offers thank you. --------------PICTURES BELOW---------------- WARRIOR Human Male EQUIPMENTS: Stable Strong Defender's Rune Set (6/6 Epic) Crazy Violent Killer's Rune Set (4/6 Epic) PVP Armor Set Weapons: SWAMP FURY SWORD (Epic) Reinforced Matted Gold Hammer (Epic) Reinforced Skeleton (Epic) Reinforced Skeleton (Epic) Lava King's Trident (Blue) Battleaxe of the Eristars (Blue) SUNSAYA CROSSBOW (Epic) Ultimate Armor Crossbow (Blue) Wind Cutter (Blue) Shield: Evil Crystal Shield Wall of Honor Necklaces: Radical Guard (Epic) Bloodmoon (Blue) Constraint Necklace (Blue) Squama Pendant of Flame Resistance (Blue) Cloaks: BMC of the Guardian (Blue) (Rare) Drain Mana Cloak of Defense (Blue) Planet Cloak of Barbarity (Blue) Elemental CLoak of Flame Resistance (Blue) Rings: Withered Ring of Guardian 2x Withered Ring of Barbarity 3x Salvation Ring of Water Salvation Ring of Defense Exploiter's Ring of Flame Resistance 2x Original...
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