Selling WTS Shaiya Account with level 15, 30 and 80 PVP characters, and 1200 OPs

Discussion in 'Shaiya Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Games, 7/29/15.

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  1. Games

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    I'm selling my account in Shaiya with over 1200 OPs and 3 PvP characters.

    The level 15 has 2 Diamonds, with 39k kills.

    The level 30 has 5k kills

    And the level 80 has almost 10k kills

    The Account has character bound pets and costumes, but no pvp gear. All gear is sold, but the account has 1200 OPs

    PM me, or contact me on forums on aeriagames: Oneprick. It also has 700 APs

    I want to sell the account for 500$.

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