Selling WTS: Selling NA Lvl 30 Account 73 champs/tons of...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/11/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: Selling NA Lvl 30 Account 73 champs/tons of skins Looking for 60 USD/Willing to Negotiate. Only 2 Rune Pages Typical Ad Carry/Typical Ap Carry Legendary Skins: Bloodlord Vlad Brolaf Regular Skins: Midnight Ahri Blood Moon Akali Unchained Alistar Little Knight Amumu Frostfire Annie, Reverse Annie, Goth Annie Amethyst Ashe Vandal Brand Sheriff Caitlyn, Resistance Caitlyn Jurassic Chogath Shadow Evelynn Frosted Ezreal Spectral Fiddles Nightraven Fiora Atlantean Fizz Ghostly Gangplank Dreadknight Garen Reaper Hecarim Tempest Janna Vandal Jax Grim Reaper Karthus Harbinger Kassadin High Command Katarina Unmasked Kayle, Battleborn Kayle, Karate Kennen Spellthief Lux Marble Maphite Overlord Malzahar Chosen One Yi, Head hunter Yi, Assassin Yi Blade Mistress Morgana Galactic Nasus Ravager Nocturne Demolisher Nunu Battle Regalia Poppy Freljord Rammus Redeemed Riven Tribal Ryze Asylum Shaco Bloodmoon Shen Ironscale Shyvana Hextech Singed Warmonger Sion Warrior Princess Sivir Pentakill Sona Dryad Soraka Dragonblade Talon Bloodstone Taric Cotton Tail Teemo Buccaneer Tristana Viking Trydamere Highnoon Twisted Fate Battlecast Urgot Vindicator Vayne White Mage Veigar Hextech Viktor Northern Storm Volibear Feral Warwick, Firefang Warwick, Frozen Tundra Warwick General Wukong Time Machine Zilean WTS: League of Legends Account EUW /w 37 Champions, 12 Skins, 3 Runepages Server EUW Champions & Skins Ahri Akali Alistar *-* Unchained Alistar Amumu *-* Almost-Prom King Amumu Ashe Brand *-* Vandal Brand, Cryocore Brand Corki Dr.Mundo Draven Evelynn Fizz *-* Atlantean Fizz, Tundra Fizz Gangplank Graves *-* Hired Gun Graves Irelia *-* Nightblade Irelia Jax Karma Katarina Kayle *-* Judgment Kayle Lee Sin Lux Master Yi Nasus *-* Galactic Nasus Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Orianna Rumble Ryze Shyvana Sion *-* Hextech Sion Sivir Talon *-* Renegade Talon Tristana *-* Riot Girl Tristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Viktor Volibear Runes (3 runepage) Marks: 2x 0.59 Ability power Seals: 4x 0.59...
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