Selling WTS: NA S1 Gold S2 Plat 59 Champs, 10.4k IP....

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/12/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: NA S1 Gold S2 Plat 59 Champs, 10.4k IP. Current Elo:1848 Champs I own are: Akali Alistar Amumu Annie Ashe Blitz Cho'Gath Corki Darius Dr. Mundo Evelynn Fiddle Gangplank Garen Irelia Janna Jarvan IV Jax Kassadin Kayle Kennen Lee sin Leona Lux Malphite Master Yi Morgana Nasus Nautilus Nidalee Nocturne Nunu Olaf Pantheon Poppy Rammus Renekton Riven Ryze Shen Shyvana Singed Sion Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Talon Taric Teemo Tristana Tryndamere Twisted Fate Veigar Vladimir Warwick Wukong Xin zhao Zilean Skins: Tundra Warwick Myrmidon Pantheon Warhero Janna Victorious Jarvan The account has never received a warning or a ban. Need offers on the acct as I don't know the going rates. I will only be dealing with repped members and will be using paypal for the transaction. Contact me through or chat at Mustafa.Runner@gmail - - - Updated - - - Sorry forgot to add 12 Rune Pages - - - Updated - - - Post here before you me with offer. Ty Selling lol Acc 12 Rune pages Including rare skins EUW Season 2 gold awards 12 rune pages 77 champs skins:Black belt udyr aritocrat vayne,full metall rammus,riot graves,riot nasus,scuba gragas wood ashe,sandcourge skarner,red baron udyr,aristocrat vayne,divine soraka,primal udyr,secret agent miss fortune,irona solari leona,Victoriuos janna. :kledariukas for more info - - - Updated - - - now 1400 ello WTS: lvl 30 euw 80 champs 1k rp gold s2 and s3 15+ skins Hey I wanna sell my second account I got. It got 80 champs and 15+ skins 4 runepages and 1k rp and it got gold border s2, and got gold now in s3. I don't know how much I want for this but add my if intressted kronos132435 WTS: Level 30 NA - 1.5K S2 and S3 - 15 skins - 35 Chars - Rare Name - $50 Hey guys I'm looking to sell my NA account. I am willing to go 50/50, depending on your needs. (Click on picture for enhanced view) If interested, contact me at Lolaccounts2 on , or via a pm on these forums. WTS: NA Great Account Post and PM ur please. 5.xxxRP 13.xxxIP in...
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