Selling WTS: NA Account with 900+wins 36 skins and 61...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/13/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: NA Account with 900+wins 36 skins and 61 Champions Ahri Akali (Blood Moon Akali) Alistar (Unchained Alistar , Golden Alistar) Amumu Anivia Annie Ashe (Frejlord Ashe) Caitlyn Cho’Gath (Nightmare Cho Gath , Loch Ness Cho Gath) Cokri (UFO Corki) Dr.Mundo Evelynn (Masquarade Evelynn) Ezrael (Frosted Ezrael) Fiddlesticks (Suprise Party Fiddlesticks) Fiora Gankplank (Minuteman GP) Irelia (Nightbalde Irelia) Janna Jarvan IV Jax Kassadin (Pre- Void Kassadin) Katarina Kayle (Judgment Kayle) Kog’Maw LeBlanc Lee Sin (Traditional Lee Sin) LuLu Lux Malphite (Coral Malphite) Maokai Master Yi (Assassin Master Yi) Mordekaiser Morgana (Exiled Morgana) Nasus (Galactic Nasus) Nidalee (French Maid Nidalee, Pharao Nidalee) Nunu Poppy Rammus (Frejlord Rammus) Renekton Riven (Redeemed Riven) Ryze Shaco (Royal Shaco, Mad Hatter Shaco) Singed Sion (Hextech Sion) Sivir Skarner Soraka (Dryad Soraka) Swain Talon Taric Teemo (Bunny Teemo) Tristana (Riot Girl Tristana) Tryndamere Twisted Fate (Tango Twisted Fate) Twich (Gangster Twich) Udyr ( Primal Udyr) Veigar (Leprechaun Veigar) Warwick (Tundra Hunter WW, Feral WW) Wukong Xin Zhao (Imperial xin zhao) Zilean Runes: Mark +1.7% Attack Speed x9 +1.7 Armor Pen x9 +1.9 Aby/lvl 18 x9 +0,93% Crit Chance x9 +0,91 Armor x10 +0,95 Psh. Dmg. x9 Seals: +0,76% Attack Speed x9 +1,9 Aby/lvl18 x9 +0,42% Crit chance x9 +1,4 Armor x9 Glyphs: +0,64% Attack SPeed +3.1 Aby/lvl 18 x9 +1.3 Magic Resist x9 Quintessence: +3,4% Attack Speed x3 +7,8 Aby/lvl 18 x3 +1,9% Crit Chance x3 + 4,0 Magic Resist x3 +3.3 Armor Pen. x3 913 WINS 5543 IP 31 RP 7 win IP boost Price 60$ or trade for gw2 eu account EMAIL: beltazor15@gmail ---> USE THIS Sticky: League of Legends : Tips on Trading Safely Hi LoL Buyers Sellers Traders Hi Guys Recently there have been Quiet a Few issues with scams in the LoL Forums and i just wanted to give you guys some advice on making sure that you are making a good buy or Sell or Trade As i like this game and i would hate for this...
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