Selling WTS - NA 60 Cleric - Patron Account - 15k+ Plat &...

Discussion in 'Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell, 8/18/13.

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  1. Rift Online Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS - NA 60 Cleric - Patron Account - 15k+ Plat & 16k+ Store Credits - Full Raid Gear This is an insanely well off account that has been involved in RIFT since day one. A few key features: Characters: 60 cleric main with several alts ranging from 15-50. Patron Status: 89 days remaining Over 15,000 Platinum on the account Nearly 17,000 Store Credits on the account (almost $100 worth) Over $100 worth of store content already purchased from all new mounts, to wardrobe gear, to companions, to runes and pots. 16,000+ Achievement points on the main cleric alone. Halfway through the Orange Loyalty Tier. A few key features of the 60 cleric: Has every possible bank vault and bag slot purchased (with 28 slot bags or larger in every slot) 800 Planar attunement points 10 Role Slots 36+ month Loyalty rewards 634/750 completed artifact sets Well Over 60 mounts and 75 companions 4 Dimensions Maxed Apothecary, Weaponsmith, Runecrafter, Mining, Foraging, Survival, and Fishing skills. *note -- has Weaponsmith, and Artificer at level 1 ready for training. PvP rank in the 70's 11 Wardrobe slots purchased Currencies on Cleric Notoriety on Cleric GEAR on cleric This cleric has FULL (with multiple options) Storm Legion Raid Gear from all SL raid content including many raid dropped pieces. It has a COMPLETE eclipse stone purchased dps/heal set, and the stones to purchase tank gear if needed. The cleric has 5 SL raid level relic quality weapons. A 1h/offhand combo, 2 2h hammers, and a wand. All the raid gear has BiS runes attached. The cleric has several pieces of warlord level PvP gear. The cleric as TONS of wardrobe gear and relic weapons from previous tier raid content. The cleric has every soul crystal purchased and upgraded. In simple terms... this cleric is EXTREMELY well geared and fully ready for the next tier of raid content set to release in the next month or 2. If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me via PM or send an email to [email protected] Taking serious offers only. Keep in mind that this is a raid ready account with vast stores of mats and flex gear or the currencies to purchase what one needs. You can buy this account and be raid ready instantly. I am happy to provide additional screenshots or give possible additional information if needed. I have been the owner of this account since the day RIFT released, and the cleric has been my main for several years.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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