[WTS] My LoL Account lvl 30 with every champ and over 50+skins

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Hello everyone im Getting rid of my lol account cause i wanna get diablo 3/guild wars 2 so i need some money XD..willing to trade for some awesome stuff in WoW/Swtor/Heroes of newearth. id be willing to let u test out my account and play acouple games with me so u can see if u like it but only if ur serious about tradeing/Buying. I havent played Ranked once so fresh account for ranked lol. I Have Rune Pages for every Type in game - Dps - Jungle - Tank - Support My Account Has - Ahri Akali - blood moon akali Alistar - Golden Alistar/Unchained Alistar Amumu - Pharaoh Amumu Anivia - Hextech Anivia Annie - Ashe - Amethyst Ashe Blitzcrank - Brand - Apocalyptic Brand caitlyn - Officer Caitlyn Cassiopeia - Cho'Gath - Nightmare Cho'gath Corki - Hot Rod Corki Dr Mundo - Executioner Mundo Evelynn - Ezreal - Frosted Ezreal Fiddlesticks - Bandito Fiddlesticks Fiora - Fizz - Galio - Gangplank - Garen - Desert Trooper Gragas - Gragas, Esq Graves - Jailbreak Graves HeimerDinger - Irelia - Aviator Irelia Janna - Hextech Janna Jarvan IV - Commando Jarvan -Dragon Slayer Jax - Temple Jax Karthus - Kassadin - Pre Void Kassadin Katarina - Kayle - Unmasked Kayle - Judgement Kayle Kennen - Kog'Maw - LeBlanc - Mistletoe Leblanc(Christmas Special) Lee Sin - Acolyte Lee Sin Leona - Defender Leona Lux - Malphite - Obsidian Malphite Malzahar - Maokai - Master Yi - Samurai Yi Miss Fortune - Waterloo Miss Fortune - Road Warrior Miss Fortune Mordekaiser - Lord Mordekaiser - Pentakill Mordekaiser Morgana - Nasus - Deadknight Nasus Nidalee - Pharaoh Nidalee Nocturne - Nunu - Olaf - Forsaken Olaf - Glacial Olaf Orianna - Sewn Chaos Orianna Pantheon - Perseus Pantheon Poppy - Rammus - Lava Rammus Renekton - Space Renenkton Riven - Redeemed Riven Rumble - Bilgerat Rumble Ryze - Tribal Ryze Sejuani - Shaco - Mad Hatter Shaco - Royal Shaco Shen - Shyvana - IronScale Shyvana Singed - Hextech Singed Sion - Lumber jack Sion - Hextech Sion Sivir - Bandit Sivirs Skarner - Earthrune Skarner Sona - Soraka - Swain - Talon - Taric - Bloodstone Taric Teemo - Badger Teemo - Astronaut Teemo( Legendary Skin ) Tristana - Trundle - Tryndamere - King Tryndamere - Demonblade Tryndamere(legendary) Twisted Fate - Twitch - Udyr - Black belt udyr - Primal Udyr Urgot - butcher Urgot Vayne - Dragon slayer vayne - Aristocrat Vayne Veigar - Viktor - Vladimir - Blood Lord Vladimir( Legendary ) Volibear - Warwick - Tundra Hunter Wukong - Volcanic Wukong - General Wukong Xerath - Xin Zhao - Imperial Xin Zhao - Viscero Xin Zhao Yorick - Zilean - Shurima Desert Zilean Post Here with Offer and way to contact U !!! Post Here with Offer and way to contact U !!! Post Here with Offer and way to contact U !!! Post Here with Offer and way to contact U !!!
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