Selling WTS: Lol Account Lots of Champs, Runes, and more...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/16/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: Lol Account Lots of Champs, Runes, and more NA Lol account 1340 ELO Has all champions but Jayce, Draven, Darius, Hecarim, Lulu, Karma, Heimerdinger has 124 RP and 4970 IP Skins: Longhorn Alistar Unchained Alistar Definitely Not Blitzcrank Arctic Warfare Caitlyn Urfrider Corki Masquerade Evelynn Fiddle Me Timbers Commando Galio Toy Soldier Gangplank Judgement Kayle Karate Kennen Lion Dance Kog (Legendary) Acolyte Lee Sin Marble Malphite Festive Maokai Lord Mordekaiser Leopard Nidalee Frozen Terror Nocturne Ninja Rammus Bloodyfury Renekton Crimson Elite Riven Surgeon Shen Riot Squad Singed, Surfer Singed Sandscourge Skarner, Earthrune Skarner Armor of the Fifth Age Taric Riot Girl Tristana , Buccaneer Tristana Lil Slugger Trundle Highland Trynadmere Primal Udyr Aristocrat Vayne Big Bad Warwick, Hyena Warwick Runes: Marks:all have a quantity of 9 1.7% atk speed 1.7 Armor pen 2.2% Crit Dmg +.95 Magic Pen .91 Armor .95 Physical Dmg Seals:all have a quantity of 9 1.9 AP at lv 18 x9 .78% Crit Dmg x9 +.41 Mana regen x9 1.4 Armor x9 +19 health at 18 x9 Glyphs: all have a quantity of 9 .64% atk speed .65% Cooldown reduction 3.1 AP at lv 18 .56% crit dmg .31 mana regen .7 armor 2.6 magic resist level 18 1.3 magic resist Quints: Quantity of 3 3.4% atk speed 1 gold/10 3.3 armor pen 26 health 4.5% crit dmg magic pen ability power 4.3 armor 2.3 physical damage 1.5% move speed Was looking for $100. Please POST if you are interested or send me a PM. WTT NA acc for similar EU NE account. Info inside!!! 30 lvl -4 runpages: AP, Tank, Jungler/adc, Crit dmg/chance. -46 champions -900+ wins. -Elo 1318. atm -99 RP -7k+ IP -13 skins : Firefang Warwick Tundra Hunter Warwick Molten Rammus Freljord Ramuus Goalkeeper Blitzcrank Judgment Kayle Unchained Alistar Facebook Tristana Sanguine Garen Galactic Renekton Workshop Shaco Hextech Sion Highlander Tryndamere Frozen Shen If you are intrested add me on : Matek564 Nickname in game to check : MIB564 WTS lvl 30 NA server, 35...
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