Selling WTS: League of Legends NA 30 1400-1500 Elo 100/100...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/8/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: League of Legends NA 30 1400-1500 Elo 100/100 Champs & More. PM Me I have no specific Price just offer. Current IP: 12,170 (May Change, probably will just increase I have nothing to buy but new champions. I am still using this account to play here an there.) Current ELO: 1494 (May Change, but unlikely. I will play a ranked game here an there to make sure there is no Elo Decay.) WTS: EUW Level 30 account 90 champ, 73 skins (5 legendary) Hi, Hereby i am selling a level 30 LoL account which includes all chamions EXCEPT the ones stated below: Jayce Darius Varus Hecarim Lulu Fiora Nautilus Ziggs Viktor Galio 73 skins (5 legendary) Legendary skins: corporate mundo astronaut teemo brolaf demonblade tryndamere blood lord vladimir normal skins: Frosten Ezreal Galactic Nasus French Main Nidalee Deep One Kassadin Count Vladimir Forsaken Olaf Sherwood Forest Ashe Myrmidon Pantheon Grim Reaper Karthus BOOM BOOM Blitzcrank Queen Ashe Tempest Janna Exiled Morgana Golden Alistar Spooky gankplank Recon Teemo Uncle ryze Dryad Soraka Royal Shaco Hot Rod corki Chosen Master yi Spectral fiddlesticks Assasin Master yi Iona Master yi Deadly Kennen Northern Front Swain Tango Twisted fate Perseus Pantheon Monarch Kog'maw Nightblade irelia Freljord Rammus Viscero Xin Zhao Primal udyr Surfer Singed Pharaoh Nidalee Sheriff Caithlyn Surgeon Shen Dreadknight Garen Lumberjack Sion Prom Queen Annie Djinn Malzahar Vandal Twitch Toremix Maokai Samurai Yi Bandit Sivir Marble Malphite Battle Regalia Poppy Void nocturne Firefang Warwick Acolyte Lee Sin Cottontail teemo Vandal Brand Road warrior Miss fortune Pentakill Yorick Valkyrie Leona Harbringer Kassadin Darkforge Jarvan IV Bloodfury Renekton General Wukong Bloodstone Taric Earthrune Skarner Dragonslayer Vayne Obsidian Malphite Chrimson Elite Talon Redeemed Riven Winged Hussar Xin Zhao Super Teemo Jailbreak Graves Asylum Shaco Thunderlord Volibear Rune pages (5) Marks: 9x attack speed 9x armor pen 9x crit chance 9x physical...
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