[WTS] League of Legends Account NA (50+ champions, lots of skins, cheap!)

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LoL, 9/28/13.

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  1. LoL

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    Champions: * Akali * Amumu * Anivia * Annie * Ashe * Brand * Cho'Gath (with Nightmare skin) * Corki (with Ufo skin). * Evelynn * Ezreal * Fiddlesticks * Garen * Gragas * Janna * Jax * Kassadin * Kayle * Kennen * Kog'Maw * LeBlanc * Lux * Malphite * Malzahar * Master Yi * Mordekaiser * Morgana (with all skins except Blade Mistress) * Nasus * Nocturne * Nunu * Olaf * Pantheon * Poppy * Rammus (with King Rammus skin) * Renekton * Ryze * Shen * Singed * Sion * Sivir * Sona (with Muse and Pentakill Skins) * Soraka * Swain * Teemo * Tristana * Tryndamere * Twitch * Urgot (with Butcher Urgot skin) * Veigar (with White Mage skin) * Vladimir (with Marquis and Count skins) * Warwick (with Tundra Hunter skin) * Xin Zhao * Zilean Also have LOTS of runes! Also note that this is a BETA account. (which include exclusive UFO Corki & King rammus skins). Asking price is $50. Paypal CONFIRMED address only (for both of our protection).
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