Selling WTS Good EUNE Account with free transfer to EUW...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/18/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS Good EUNE Account with free transfer to EUW only for 20$ (Accepting only verrified paypal) 36 Champions, 4 rune page (3 filled) 4 refound 1 free transfer to EUW and Turkey Champions and skins: Akali Alistar (Unchained Alistar Skin) Annie Ashe Cho'Gath Evelynn Fiora Garen Graves (Hired Gun Graves skin) Irelia (Nightblade Irelia skin) Janna Jax Karthus Kayle (Judgment Kayle skin) Kennen Lee Sin Malphite Master Yi Nasus Nidalee Nunu Olad Pantheon Poppy Ryze Singed (Hextech Singed skin) Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Teemo Tristana (Riot Girl Tristana skin) Tryndamere Twisted Fate (High Noon Twisted Fate skin) Warwick Ziggs WTS: eune Account lvl 13 with 4728 ip & 13 ip boost & 2 referrals lvl 10 champions : malzhar annie alistar tristana for 3$ (fee on me) WTT: League of Legends account I want to trade my good diablo 3 acc, dota 2, hon legacy account or good steam account for good lol account. prefer EUW WTS lvl 30 EUNE with free tansfer to EUW and Turkey 36 Champions, 4 rune page (3 filled) 4 refound 1 free transfer to EUW and Turkey Champions and skins: Akali Alistar (Unchained Alistar Skin) Annie Ashe Cho'Gath Evelynn Fiora Garen Graves (Hired Gun Graves skin) Irelia (Nightblade Irelia skin) Janna Jax Karthus Kayle (Judgment Kayle skin) Kennen Lee Sin Malphite Master Yi Nasus Nidalee Nunu Olad Pantheon Poppy Ryze Singed (Hextech Singed skin) Sivir Skarner Sona Soraka Teemo Tristana (Riot Girl Tristana skin) Tryndamere Twisted Fate (High Noon Twisted Fate skin) Warwick Ziggs only 21€ WTS: 16xx acc, and 2k elo acc with skins! #1 Account elo : 1630 IP : 6.3k RP : 5k Skins : Little Knight Amumu Sad Robot Amumu Goth Annie Amethyst Ashe Safari Caitlyn Gentlemen Cho'Gath [Legendary!] Urfrider Corki Soul Reaver Draven Pulsefire Ezreal (30$+ Value) Pentakill Karthus Judgement Kayle Lion Dance Kog'Maw [Legendary!] Dragon Fist Leesin Spellthief Lux Obsidian Malphite Blackthorn Morgana Dark Crystal Ryze Pax Sivir [LIMITED!] Earthrune Skarner Armor of the Fifth Age...
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