Galka face 3A RoZ: Complete CoP: Complete ToAU: Complete WoTG: In the Name of the Father Nyzul 100 floor ACP: Done, other two are barely started. Currently on Asura, server transfer up. PoL key, SE ID/pass available Jobs/skills/crafts/merits Gear Very well geared account, with an awesome warrior (nearly as good as you can get w/o ukkos fury). Perfect if you want to get back into the game with a strong main and room for advancement on other jobs. Bought the account from Kendrah, a professional buyer/seller, and now I'm selling it after playing it for about 3 months. I don't have much itrader rep, but I do have a link to previous transactions I've done regarding account sales. Starting bid @ $250. Buyout @ $450. WU only, MM at buyers expense. PM to make an offer, or request any info I may have missed.