Selling WTS: Elo Boosting Service - NA I'm a 2200 player...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Boosting - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/19/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTS: Elo Boosting Service - NA I'm a 2200 player Season 2 and looking to boost some accounts for people. I currently have an account at 1900 Elo this season and 1875 Elo. Add me on (john.michael7059)for more information, willing to add people to prove my account~ Will be best if people have not completed their placement matches yet~ Prices taken from another thread~ 0-1000=$25 per 100 ELO 1000-1300=30$ per 100 ELO 1300-1600=$35 per 100 ELO 1600-1800-$45 per 100 ELO 1800+=Discuss for further info WTS: LOL EUWEST 54 skins 90+ Champions 5-6 Runepages 4516k RP LOL EUWEST 54 skins 90+ Champions 5-6 Runepages with 4516k rp im selling it for 90 euros WTS: North America lvl27, 64 heroes, PI + Rp Hi, I sell my account league of legend NA server, lvl 27, 64 heroes. MP or add me on : nematite10 by WTS: WTS, WTT EUW lvl30 Acc, 66 champs, 23 Skins, 11 Rune Pages. Offer anything. IG name: ArouseMe Skins: ~Matador Alistar ~Little Knight Amumu ~Noxus Hunter Anivia ~Red Riding Annie ~Frostfire Annie ~Definitely Not Blitzcrank ~HillBilly Gragas ~Frost Queen Janna ~Phantom Karthus ~Bilgewater Katarina ~Sandstorm Katarina ~Swamp Master Kennen ~Jurassic Kog'Maw ~Sorceress Lux ~Shamrock Malphite ~Assassin Master Yi ~Sewn Chaos Orianna ~Professor Ryze ~Pentakill Sona ~Renegade Talon ~Black Belt Udyr ~Leprechaun Veigar WTS: Selling LVL 30 EUW 19 runepages 94 champs. Dear reader, My name is Freek (Dutch name). I just read a review and someone advised this site. For that matter I made an account here and I'm new. I want to sell my account because I have another lower account. Here is some information: Champions: - Ahri - Akali - Alistar - Amumu - Anivia - Annie - Ashe - Blitzcrank - Brand - Caitlyn - Cassiopeia - Cho'Gath - Corki - Dr. Mundo - Evelynn - Ezreal - Fiddlesticks - Fizz - Galio - Gangplank - Garen - Gragas - Graves - Hecarim - Heimerdinger - Irelia - Janna - Jarvan - Jax - Karma - Karthus - Kassadin - Katarina - Kayle - Kennen - Kog'Maw - Le Blanc - Lee Sin - Leona -...
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