[NA Server - Zikel] Level 55 Spiritmaster (main), level 38 Chanter (alts), & 4 more characters as warehouse/storage for crafting materials, manastones, enchantment stones, Godstones, & etc. Has approx. 75mil in game account to continue playing & buying stuffs. The Spiritmaster is able to cook & craft for certain important foods & scrolls to boost the power. Essencetapping - lvl 439 Aethertapping - lvl 369 Cooking - lvl 455 Alchemy - lvl 399 It is a clean account, never bot, never banned and bought kinah before. No worry, 100% guarantee. And also provide with all the original game time card serial codes, just in case NCsoft need for any verification in the future. Has been played for 14 months, and it is the Collector edition. All transaction must through Paypal. If you have questions, please pm to me. Below are the armors & weapons currently I am using. This account is under auction at other place, if you are interested, please drop me a message and I'll forward you to that auction page. Thanks.