Selling WTB: Buying League account with limited edition...

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell, 2/7/13.

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  1. League of Legends Accounts - Buy and Sell

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    WTB: Buying League account with limited edition skins Hello there fellow League players i am requesting to buy a league account with lots of some limited edition skins I joined league in 2010 but i had no awareness of buying any limited edition skins seeing as i was a noob and i am now regretting and wishing i had joined earlier and bought these skins I am willing to pay alot of money not rediculous ammounts though. If you have any of the following skins you can me or add me on and we can have a further conversation Email: bamsell@hotmail : sammy_bballer Ahri: none Akali: all-star akali Alistar: black alistar Amumu: regifted amumu Anivia: team spirit anivia Annie: none Ashe: none Blitzcrank: goalkeeper blitzcrank Brand: none Caitlyn: safari caitlyn Cassiopeia: none Cho'gath: nightmare cho'gath Corki: u.f.o. corki, ice toboggan corki Darius: none Diana: none Dr. Mundo: mundo mundo, mr. mundoverse Draven: none Elise: none Evelynn: none Ezreal: striker ezreal, nottingham ezreal Fiddlesticks: none Fiora: none Fizz: none Galio: none Gangplank: toy soldier gangplank Garen: none Gragas: santa gragas Graves: none Hecarim: none Heimerdinger: none Irelia: none Janna: victorious janna Jarvan IV: victorious jarvan Jax: pax jax, mighty jax Jayce: none Karma: none Karthus: none Kassadin: festival kassadin Katarina: kitty cat katarina, red card katarina Kayle: silver kayle Kennen: swamp kennen, deadly master kennen Kha'Zix: none Kog'Maw: reindeer kogmaw LeBlanc: mistletoe leblanc Lee Sin: none Leona: none Lulu: none Lux: none Malphite: none Malzahar: none Maokai: festive maokai Master Yi: none Miss Fortune: candy cane miss fortune Mordekaiser: none Morgana: none Nami: none Nasus: none Nautilus: none Nidalee: snow bunny nidalee, leopard nidalee Nocturne: none Nunu: workshop nunu Olaf: none Orianna: none Pantheon: none Poppy: lollipopy Rammus: king rammus Renekton: none Rengar: none Riven: none Rumble: none Ryze: zombie ryze, triumphant ryze, professor ryze Sejuani: none...
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