Selling Warmane WOTLK 10 characters account

Discussion in 'WoW Accounts For Sale | Buy & Sell - World of Warcraft (EU)' started by louati, 1/19/19.

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  1. louati

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    wow warmane 3.3.5 icecrown
    i want to sell my account that got 10 characters on it all of them horde
    Account status: In good standing
    Donation rank: Regular
    Activity rank: Envoy
    Community rank: Patriot

    *mage troll 5047gs 4/5 t9 Skinning 450/450 LW 262/300 with 2 talent arcane and fire+cold weather flying and 150% riding speed>>>1155 achievement
    *druid tauren 3072gs with 2 talents heal and balance+cold weather flying and 150% riding speed>>>420 achievement
    *hunter orc 4933gs 1/4 t9 only 1 talent +cold weather flying and 150% riding speed>>>610 achievement
    *dk orc 4778gs dps/4776gs tank 1/5 t9 for tank +2talents with cold weather weather flying and 150% riding speed>>>945 achievement
    *priest troll 4812gs shadow priest 1/5 t9/4.8k disc 2/5 t9 +2talents tree+cold weather flying and 150% riding>>>725 achievement
    *warlock orc 5230gs with 2/5 t10 and 2/5 t9 gemmed and enchanted with 2 talents aff and destro+cold weather and 280% riding speed+fishing 375/375 with arcanite fishing pole>>>1280 achievement
    *shaman troll 4125gs with 2 talents heal and elemental+cold weather and 150% riding speed>>>570 achievement
    *warrior orc 4450gs dps/4293 tank with 2 talents+cold weather and 280% riding speed+mining 450/450 and 118/150 blacksmith>>>590 achievement
    *paladin blood elf 4338gs tank 1/5 t9+2 talent +cold weather flying and 150% riding speed+350/385 enchanting>>>590 achievement
    *rogue undead 3.2k gs lockpicking 122/400 +cold weather flying and 150% riding speed>>>390 achievement

    contact me at Facebook. dhiae louati
    or discord louati#8706
    or via e-mail [email protected]
    Price is 150 euro via neteller/skrill you first or with a middleman
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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